Dinning Experiences

We at Siddhartha Vilasa, provide wide range of dinning experience for all kind of purpose.   

Experience Memorable Cuisines at Vilasa Retaurants.

An Exquisite Banquet Experience

cuisine : Authentic Nepali

A Culinary Journey in Elegance

cuisine : Indian and Continental

A Day to Treat with Friends and Family

cuisine : Authentic Chinese

Intimate Dining in a Serene Setting

cuisine : Authentic Nepali

A Refreshing Poolside Dining Experience

cuisine : Indian and Continental

Elevated Dining with a Spectacular Cityscape View

cuisine : Authentic Chinese

A Culinary Wonderland of all day dinning

cuisine : Authentic Nepali

Our Chefs

Sous - chef
Rohit Sexton

The sous-chef holds much responsibility. A sous-chef is employed by an institution that uses a commercial-grade kitchen, such as a restaurant or hotel.

Executive Chef
Mohammed Huerta

An executive chef, is in charge of all activities related to the kitchen, which includes menu creation, management of kitchen staff and plating design.

Station Chef
Atticus Allman

The Station Chef is a chef in charge of a particular area of production in a restaurant. In large kitchens, each Station Chef might have several assistants.

Sushi Chef
Miyamoto Shou

In the western world, a Sushi Chef is known as itamae. In Japan, becoming an itamae of sushi requires years of training and apprenticeship.